Instructor Feedback

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The instructor feedback was the most important suggestions for me to revise my essays, and I thought I went to four times conferences in this quart, and each of them gave me good helps. I never went to the conferences at the past two years, I thought I did not have anything to talk with my instructors, and I was afraid that I could not say my ideas clearly. This quart, the first conference was the one I must go. I was so confused at that time, I went to conference, and I did not know what should I talk at first time, so I just sat here and the instructor was reading my RA essay. And then she asked me some questions about my essay, I thought she did not understand my answers, I thought she would be impatient, but she did not . She talked to me patiently and gave me some suggestions about my essay. I was moved at that moment, I was afraid to talk with instructors, because I was afraid that they could not understand what I was talking about, and they may lost their patient. But my instructor did not, it encouraged me a lot, and then I asked some questions about my essay and the requirements, she gave me the clearly answers, so I thought I did my RA essay great by her suggestions. The second conference was midterm e-portfolio conference, I did not how to write the e-portfolio, because I never write it. So I was so confused about it, I thought I asked some puerile questions to instructor, but she answered me very patiently, and let me know how to write a e-portfolio. Like she told me I could put anything I want, just need to have her basic requirements. And the conference of RIP essay was also very important for me. I did not have any ideas at the first time I wrote the RIP essay, because I chose to write a news article format for my essay, but I never wrote a news article before. She told me that I should go to New York Times website and find some useful articles, and then followed their format to write my essay. That was really helped me a lot, my final draft followed a article in New York Times, and I thought my project is really like a article which will be published in New York Times.

I think the most important thing for me in this quart was that I went to the conferences, it helped me a lot. This is a important resource for me to get suggestions from instructor, but I never used it. I think the feedback in computer could not compare with the feedback get by face to face. So in the future I will try my best to go to the conference with instructors, and I should thank you my instructor Anandi Rao a lot, because she gave me the confidence to talk with instructors, and show my idea to instructors.

The instructor's feedback is very important and is the only way for me to know where I should revise my essay and how to revise it, so the feedback is very precious. In the RA first draft, instructor gave me some feedback," You need to have a thesis in the first paragraph, and it should be a clear thesis, for example you can write why Adiga mention the corruption in the novel."In the first draft, I write, "It also makes mention of the important themes include corruption in Indian politics and society, religious tensions between Muslims and Hindus, as well as the tensions between China and India." After I getting the feedback from instructor, I found that I really did not have a clear thesis in my first paragraph, and I should change my words about Adiga's ideas and why he wants to mention the corruption in India. So I change this main sentence to,"Adiga also mentions important themes include corruption in Indian politics and society, religious tensions between Muslims and Hindus, as well as servant class use immoral approaches to get rid of poverty (Goh, 2011) to assail India government's nasty actions because many people in India are struggling in low class." I think that the instructor's feedback helped me a lot, she pointed out a main problem in my essay and gave me a chance and method to fix it, this is just one of the examples, so in the first six weeks, my instructor helped me a lot from the feedback she gave me. 

In the RIP essay conference, my instructor also gave me some suggestions about my essay.

First, she told me," Your project is a news article model, so you should find a news paper that you want to publish my project, find some articles in that news paper, and then follow their format." After that, she showed me a article in New York Times. I found a article names " Globalization"( Rosenberg, Tina. "Globalization." The New York Times. The New York Times, 17 Aug. 2002. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.) And followed this article's format to write my essay. Like the first sentence in my project, " The first thing, we need to know what actually globalization is. If you search in Google, the definition of globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. "  And my name and date, the format I followed by this article.

Second, my instructor told me that I should move my second part to the first part. I had two parts in my project, "Two big event show that anti-globalization is coming" and " Development of Globalization". I put the " Development of Globalization" in the first part, and my instructor told me that my project is a news paper article, so the first part of my project should attract audiences, so they would like to read my project. I did not realized this problem before my instructor told me, so I changed sequence, and added a few sentences to make my project become more rational. " The first thing, we need to know what actually globalization is. If you search in Google, the definition of globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This the academically definition of globalization, but it is too tedious and difficult to understand. Let me simplify it, the globalization is a phenomenon that make our world become one part, not like hundreds year before, people in one mainland thought the world just had their mainland and they could not contact with the people in other mainland. Globalization became successful from World War two, the globalization made many people feel different culture and realized the different between people in different countries. Companies have local, foreign and immigrants employs, also the schools. People have different cultures, complexions and religions, globalization made people all over the world aggregate at one place. And there is a important thing for globalization, many people get benefit from that, like myself, I went to American college, and got the best education here, so I was a beneficiary from globalization. Many people got benefits from globalization, but there are still big amount of people did not get benefit from globalization, or they got hurt from globalization, so these people do not like globalization. These people are big factor to make two big events happened this year, and these two events are good examples for anti-globalization."


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