Peer review

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Peer review is a part I took in these three years. Peer review could make me get feedback and some suggestions from my partners. Sometimes I could not find the mistakes in my essays, but my partners could. Because the partners were reading my essays objective, so they could give me objective suggestions. So I think the peer review section is very necessary and helpful for me. 

In this time's peer review section, I exchanged my RIP project to my partner. We got the similar genre for our essays. So it was a good chance for me to know how other people write this project. He gave me some suggestions, like I should add a definition at the first of my project, and add some connection with each part, his suggestions were very objective, and I did not realized that before. I also gave him some suggestions, I told him that he should follow the format from the news paper he want to publish. I made the changes by his suggestions, so that I think this section was very helpful for me. 

 In the peer review section, my partner told me that I should add a definition of globalization, because some of my audiences may do not know the clear definition of globalization. I thought his opinion was correct, I did not think at that before, so I added this sentence, "The first thing, we need to know what actually globalization is. If you search in Google, the definition of globalization is Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers. However, it does not include unhindered movement of labor and, as suggested by some economists, may hurt smaller or fragile economies if applied indiscriminately. "

And also my peer review partner told me that I should add some connections with each part, I read my project and found I really had this problem. The connections with each part are not very smoothness, so I put these two sentences, "These people are big factor to make two big events happened this year, and there are two events could be good examples for anti-globalization." "So there is a question, these things happened casual or inevitable? I think these happened inevitable, we can see it from the development of globalization. " After I put these two connection sentences, I think my project became more smoothness. 



RIP notices:

 From the peer review, I received some important suggestions, the most important point is that my partner told me I should put a definition of globalization and add the connecting with each part. The first time I put the "starting of globalization" at the first part, and the professor told me that my project is a news paper article, so I should have something to attract audience, and then I changed sequence. So I was a little chaos about my essay now, this suggestion is very important now. The first I did some description about globalization, but I did not give the definition on it, and also for myself, when the last time I read my project, I thought that my essay was a little bit bouncing, but I did not find that I need to put some connection between each part, this suggestion is timely. And for these two important suggestions, I want to put the definition at the first of my project, because the definition should at the first of essay and give audience the clear points what I will talk in the later parts of my project, although I know the definition of globalization, but some of my audience may do not clearly know that. And the connections I should put them between the definition and the first part, and the first part and second part. I want to write some connections to make my project more smoothness, because the first I introduce globalization and then the I just give the two big events, I will put this sentence before my first part, " Globalization became a high growth rate after World War two, and it had been decrease after 2008, there are two big events happened this year could show that anti-globalization is coming." Finally, I think the peer review on Friday gave me big helps, and made me could get good and clear suggestions from my classmate.

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