Galaxy Quest Debates

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goClaim:  The intended audience for this film is young audiences who are enthusiastic about science fiction. Teenagers at this age are most-likely adventure-seekers. Also this audience, has watched films similar to this movie, such as Star Trek and Star Wars. They have an interest for something different from their everyday lives.  


Argument #1:  There are teenagers in the film who believe that Galaxy Quest is real.


Evidence #1:   

 The audience is people who may have fantasies of the aliens and outer space and believe what they see on TV show may be true, just like the kids in the film. They may be laughed at some point by others for their unrealistic thoughts however they still maintain their enthusiasm and belief to this science fiction.

 One example is the boy Brandon, who Jason(Tim Allen) contacts to help him with his quest.  Brandon is a boy in his teens who believes that everything in Galaxy Quest is i real.  He has a group of friends that are also enthusiastic about science fiction and they aid Jason with defeating the enemy in space.  

 When Brandon gets the call from Jason, he says that “ I understand completely that it’s just TV show” but he get excited when the commander/Jason told him all the things are true. Then Brandon says, “I am not a complete braincase” means he knows how other view the people like him.” and there are some adults at the beginning of the film who laugh at those actors as their show is naive(in toilet some adults consider the show is “a freak show and hilarious” and say “bunch of loser begging for autograph at 15 bucks a pop )


Analysis #1:

 The rhetor uses these teenagers throughout the film so that the young audience can relate to them as they watch.  The feelings of the teenagers in the film may match how the audience feels about their science fiction shows. Teenagers  may consider if the show in the film can be true, why the film cannot be true. Film-within-the film device in Galaxy Quest blurs the boundaries of the reality.




Argument # 2:  The film appeals to a younger audience, teenagers, due to its childlike sense of humor.


Evidence #2:

 A childlike sense of humor---The settings of each crew member/actor are spoof of the traditional sci-fi films. Exaggerating reaction---this kind of humor engages teen-viewers more: when Tommy Webber first time hands on the real starship, he screams and overacts like a twelve years-old; Gwen plays a clumsy role in communicating with computers and she seems so funny; “I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm just ‘Crewman Number Six.’ I'm expendable. I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is. I've gotta get outta here.” says Guy, who is always afraid of dying soon.


Analysis #2:  

 The humor used in this film is very easy to understand and the performance is very exaggerated, which is why a younger audience may be more amused by the jokes applied throughout the film  


Summary (paragraph form to turn in online):  


The intended audience for Galaxy Quest is teenagers who are enthusiastic about science fiction. Teenagers at this age are most-likely adventure-seekers. Also this audience, has watched films similar to this movie, such as Star Trek and Star Wars. They have an interest for something different from their everyday lives.  


There are teenagers in the film, Galaxy Quest who believe that the story is real.  The audience is people who may have fantasies of the aliens and outer space and believe what they see on TV show may be true, just like the kids in the film. They may be laughed at some point by others for their unrealistic thoughts however they still maintain their enthusiasm and belief to this science fiction.  One example is the boy Brandon, who commander Jason (Tim Allen) contacts to help him with his quest.  Brandon is a boy in his teens who believes that everything in Galaxy Quest is real.  He has a group of friends that are also enthusiastic about science fiction and they aid Jason with defeating the enemy in space.  When Brandon gets the call from Jason, he says that “ I understand completely that it’s just TV show” but he gets really excited when commander Jason tells him all the things are true. Brandon also explain to the Jason as soon as he gets the call, “I am not a complete braincase” means he knows how other view the people like him.” and there are some adults at the beginning of the film who laugh at those actors as their show is naive(eg. in toilet some adults consider the show is “a freak show and hilarious” and say “bunch of loser begging for autograph at 15 bucks a pop )


The rhetor uses these teenagers throughout the film so that the young audience can relate to them as they watch.  The feelings of the teenagers in the film may match how the audience feels about their science fiction shows. Teenagers  may consider if the show in the film can be true, why the film cannot be true. Film-within-the film device in Galaxy Quest blurs the boundaries of the reality.


The film appeals to a younger audience, teenagers, also due to its childlike sense of humor. The settings of each crew member/actor are parodies of  traditional sci-fi films. Exaggerating reactions are used throughout the film.  This kind of humor engages teen-viewers more, for example when Tommy Webber sees the real starship for the first time, he screams and overacts like a twelve years-old.  Another example of the humor used is when Gwen plays a clumsy role in communicating with computers and she seems so funny.  “I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm just ‘Crewman Number Six.’ I'm expendable. I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is. I've gotta get outta here.” says Guy, who is always afraid of dying soon.   The humor used in this film is very easy to understand and the performance is very exaggerated, which is why a younger audience may be more amused by the jokes applied throughout the film.


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Page Comments

Yuxuan Liang
Feb 18, 2017 at 2:42am
Through preparing the Galaxy Quest debate with my teammates, I learn the importance of determining the audience before writing. Finding out the evidence to support our argument is kinds of reverse thinking about how the potential audience will influence my writing. In Galaxy Quest, we find there are teenager who believe science fiction is true, so maybe the potential audiences are those person who have the beautiful fantasies toward science fiction? I cannot confirm but I know this movie will build huge sympathy to those people. Back to my own writing, the only way I can convey my ideas directly and effectively is understanding what my potential audiences may think or want to hear. This is the importance of determining audiences I learnt from this assignment.

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