RA essay

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By and large, Station Eleven could be considered as a post-apocalyptic literature. Audiences can find out lots of post-apocalyptic conventions like survival, death, dangerous, terror or disorder in this book. However, these elements only provide the context of the story, or a prerequisite for Mandel to convey her ideas or thoughts. Discussing and revealing the importance of art to humanity, especially when the modern civilization is banned, maybe the main purpose of this book, as what follows this book’s title: Mandel’s love letter to the world. Therefore, it’s really important for Mandel to connect the collapsed world in this book with art and humanity. Utilizing individual characters to represent the theme in the pre or post-apocalyptic strengthens the theme and connects them to each other and to the theme finally; mixing the contradiction about character’s beauty virtues in a disordered world push audiences to think more deeply about humanity in a ruined world, and may make them consider the importance of art to those virtues. These rhetoric strategies push the Station Eleven from a common post-apocalyptic story to a higher post-apocalyptic story discussing art, love and humanity. Just as the praise from Boston Herald, Will change the post-apocalyptic genre. . . . This isn’t a story about survival, it’s a story about living” (praise from Boston Herald 1).

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Page Comments

Yuxuan Liang
Feb 18, 2017 at 3:24am
In my RA essay, one important thing I have learnt is how to gather secondary sources. To accomplish the requirement for including secondary sources, the first thing came up in my mind is what secondary sources should I uses. Therefore, I just review my argument in my essay. Like in the final conclusion, my argument is that Station Eleven is more than an post-apocalyptic fiction, so I need to focus on some sources that comments its genre and why. Fortunately, the praise from Boston Herald 1 also have the similar ideas as mine. We both thinking about how Mandel improve this genre because she focus more on survival in the post-apocalyptic world.

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