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This is an outline for the show "peace in death".
This is a show talking about a person born in a future world in which twenty years early people decided to deprived their own thoughts and cogitation about the politics, belief and religion, in order to save the world from war and keep the civilization forever. To ensure every person's minds are clean enough, every new infants will have a surgery to make sure them lost their ability about having dangerous thinking.

As twenty years have passed, people forget the reason why every new infants must take that surgery but still
do it mechanically because they were told this surgery are essential to keep the world safe and peaceful. Of course these people never doubt about it. However one day a kid who named Leon was born a month earlier accidentally than expected and at the same time the person who should record this died because of the AHD. Therefore, Leon get rid of the surgery and keep the ability to think.

Leon found he is different from others when he is young. It seems like he would consider much more things than people around him, so every one from his perspective are kind of numb. People around him are all looks like a kind person and will smile to him no matter when and where, which makes him become more afraid. He notices although they have their own emotion, and have the ability to solve something logical, people never care about "who are them", "why they are so numb" and the reason behind it. He thought he was an alien until he found an abandoned museum about Renaissance. He is surprised about how beautiful the spark occurred when different thoughts and belief collide together in the art and what makes him know that some change was happen to people. Therefore he decide to take a road which led to find the history.

Many things happen on the trip of seek. The more Leon have seen, the more sympathy he has to the people. He can hear the yelling from their muted soul under their icy smile. Even though all the record of the past history seems gone, its not hard for Leon to find out the a file in a locked library (because no one will stopped him). The file conclude the reason of depriving the thoughts is that they considered the perception ideology like opinion on belief and religion is the root of the war. From Leon's perspective, this file is more like the suicide note of the old world, and he know he cannot stop this absolutely peaceful world. At the end of the show, Leon kill himself and because he cannot live in a such silent world.

What is more important than survival in this show is the freedom, the freedom of minds and thoughts.

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Page Comments

Yuxuan Liang
Feb 18, 2017 at 3:08am
Through this assignment, I have learnt how to utilize the genre to outline my writing. To create a TV show, I need to determine the genre of my show. To my TV show, this is a kinds of post-apocalyptic fiction about the medical science using for unethical reasons. Therefore, starting with my genre, I consider what the world would like in the future? Maybe tending to be peaceful and identical is the main melody, so I came up with this idea about elimination of the difference in individual minds. Moreover, I added some elements of the post-apocalyptic fiction like a library recording the history and some future technology. By this way, I learnt how to write something in the outline provide by the genre.

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