HCP Prospectus

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My thinking process is highlighted through here as I began thinking about which topic I wanted to focus on. As you can see, my research skills were lacking as I only used Google and no academic sources.

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HCP-Prospectus/Topic proposal

Topic/Topics so far: Please take some time to discuss your topic or possible topics. What is the issue/problem being addressed? How is the issue/problem being addressed (according to your knowledge so far). Who or what does this issue affect?

The topic that I will be focusing on will be along the lines of undocumented students and daca. The issue I wanted to address was the social inequality faced in schools for these individuals and what it means to be living under the Trump presidency. According to my knowledge so far, many daca students are terrified of what’s to come. They’ve been striving to succeed at school despite all the racist remarks they receive or the limited resources. This issue affects those who came to the United States as young children with their parents and it affects the loved ones they hold, including their parents, friends, and significant others.

What historical scope might you be focusing on (in terms of time and events)?

I could use the Reagan presidency as he gave a chance to immigrants during his term to apply for citizenship. This could be useful in finding a plan of action. I can also use our present time and how Trump was elected. I can compare the two Republicans. Another time of event I can use would be the chicano/a movement in the 1960s and incorporate the schools walkout.

What kind of keywords might you use or have already used in researching your topic?

The keywords I would use are: undocumented students, DACA, immigrants, chicano movement, social inequality, schools, chicano, Obama, Trump, Reagan, civil rights, and East LA walkouts.

What are some specific databases/indexes that you might use/have used in the research of this topic (other than Academic Search Complete)?  

I will use Google Scholar.

What kind of sources have you found or think you will use in your HCP?

DACA Helps Undocumented Students Access Higher Education

The Lives of  “Undocumented” Students

The Economic and Fiscal Impact of Repealing DACA

All three of these range from what DACA is, how it affects undocumented students, and what’s to come.

What are some “subject headings” that you have come across in your database searches.

I came across DACA, and undocumented a lot. Going into it further, I came across more pro-supporting articles about their higher education and why it’s important.

Please provide a works cited of at least 2 sources related to you topic/s. Write a brief summary and evaluation for each on (around a quarter to half page for each source). By evaluation I mean how will you utilize  the source, whether it is using it directly in the HCP or whether it opens up a way into the discussion of the topic or other sources about the topic.

Martínez-Calderón, Carmen. "The Lives of "Undocumented" Students in Education." The

Lives of "Undocumented" Students in Education (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.


This talked about the lives of undocumented students who are fighting to pursue an education under a fear that they might be exposed. They see school as a safe spot for them and how they have to assimilate into the American school system. It touches more on the obstacles that they go through as they provide quotes from undocumented students.

The way I choose on using this article would be to describe the feelings that undocumented students go through. What are their fears, what they strive for in schools. This article is useful in my research project as it gives a qualitative feel to the paper. I think that I might use some quotes from the children. Another topic that I wanted to add to my paper is the assimilation theory that undocumented students go through. There is a stratification in the school system and the U.S. and how undocumented students feel about where they are placed.

Brannon, Ike. "The Economic and Fiscal Impact of Repealing DACA." Cato Institute. Cato

Institute, 18 Jan. 2017. Web. 20 Jan. 2017.

The article shows an estimate of what it would take to eliminate DACA students worldwide, how many people would have to be deported, and the consequence for having this mass deportation under the Trump adminstry. It gives some background of how DACA started, who it is intended for, and the economic costs. The article goes on to say that having DACA here is beneficial, and it compares to a hypothetical universe of when it would be repealed. The news is that there would be small gains at a big cost as removing everyone who is under DACA would cost the US billions of dollars.

I plan on using this article as my quantitative input. The estimations that they throw in is really concerning as the US is already in debt and that deporting DACA students isn’t the best way to use money. It is an economic impact on the US and I plan on saying somewhere throughout my paper that this money to fund a repeal is unnecessary. DACA students are not the people you should be targeting. They are not criminals, as everyone who is screened does not have a criminal record. If they do, then they are kicked out. I will be providing the costs it would take to repeal DACA and trying to persuade the audience that it is not worth it.


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