My Education 124 Project

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During my time in the writing class, I was taking an education class that benefited me in the long run. In my education class, we had to a Social Justice in Education Poster. My group was lucky enough to focus on DACA. Because of this, I had more knowledge that I could contribute in my poster as well in my HCP and AP. 

Here is some examples of what I did in my education class that helped me out in my writing class.


My Study Guides for my Midterm:


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An Example of a homework that I had to do. This article was really helpful in my writing.


Solorzano & Yosso Reading Organizer

Due Monday, January 23, 11:55 pm to class Dropbox

Name: _Brenda Ramos 40098537___

  1. Using your own words, summarize Lorde and Marable’s (p. 4) views on racism.

They believe racism is socially constructed to having a majority and minority group. The minority group does not mean that they are the smallest in numbers, it means that they don’t have power. A race has more power and feels more superior than the race without much power. The “superior” group’s objective is to show that they have more power and dominance to the “inferior” race.


  1. According to Allport (p. 4), what is a stereotype?

Allport defines a stereotype as “an exaggerate belief associated with a category. Its function is to justify (rationalize) our conduct in relation to that category.”


  1. Identify 2 ‘racial stereotypes in professional environments’ on page 5, and determine the category of Figure 2 each one belongs to.
  2. The major importer and translator of Alfred Binet’s Intelligence test commented that Spanish-Indeian and Mexican families were dull and were inherent to master abstractions. He goes on to say that there is no possibility to convince society that they should be allowed to reproduce as their offspring would be as dull and dumb as them. This would be categorized as genetic determinist.
  3. Cecilia Heller theorized why Mexican Americans lacked social mobility was due to parents not giving them the development needed. The parent’s upbringing creates stumbling blocks to the child’s advancement because they stress their culture’s values and family ties. They neglect independent learning. This would be categorized as cultural determinist.




  1. Test yourself: After looking at the reading, close the document and try to fill in this chart with your own words:

Theoretical Perspectives

Attribution of Responsibility

Primary Policy Solutions

Genetic Determinist

The minority fails because it is in their genetics to fail. They are genetically inferior and it traces back to their minority genes.

Their genetic makeup is responsible.

There is no way to resolve this issue as it’s in their genes. They should be locked up or isolated.

Cultural Determinist

The minority fail because their cultural isn’t good. It holds them back.

Their cultural values and the way they interact are to blame.

Assimilate them.

School Determinist

The minority fails because of the social injustice held at schools.

Not all schools treat their students the same, especially minority students

Change unequal conditions and include minorities with the majorities.

Societal Determinist

The minority fails because schools encourage social inequalities.

The stratification of your social status is responsible and so is the socioeconomic structure.

Make the socioeconomic structure more equal. Schools should follow next.


  1. Which theoretical perspective(s) does our class advocate? Why?

Our class advocates the school determinist. We don’t want to put the blame on the parents as we found out that parent do care about their children’s education. We focus on the school instead of blaming the victim because it has been shown that schools do have social injustices and advocate the inequality. We also advocate the societal determinist approach because schools reflect our society. Since schools show inequality, our real world does too. These are factors that are not blaming the victim or their parents, but rather looking at why the person isn’t doing well compared to those who are.


Next is the Rubric my group and I were supposed to follow in our poster. We got 100/100.

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And lastly, I will show an example of my notes that I would take online through Microsoft. I often would refer back to these notes when writing my essay.

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