AP Statement of Prospective Claims

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  1. Statement of Prospective Claims

            Video game addiction. Is it real? It is so common for kids to be into their video games that no one seems to find it a problem. It’s considered normal and not a problem for kids because they are “just kids.” The problem is that there are kids addicted to video games and it is affecting them but parents are not taking it seriously. There are many reasons as to why kids get addicted to video games. Kids feel powerful when they are winning a video game or fighting a character or moving up to the next level. It gives them confidence and satisfies their need of entertainment. Also, it distracts them from their life problems. For example, a child would much rather lock themselves in their room to play a game they enjoy rather than deal with parents fighting or other kids their age that are mean. If a child is not disciplined at a young age and knows that video games are for free time after they finish their responsibilities, then it could easily cause them to become addicted. Another reason for addiction can be emotional disorders like depression and anxiety that child may be experiencing and covering up with their video game addiction.

            Video game addiction can be treated like any other addiction. The best way to treat video game addiction is finding out why they got addicted so that it can be cured in the best way possible. If they are suffering from emotional disorders, then they can take medication that could treat their disorder such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. Even if they do not suffer from emotional disorders, they can still take medication to treat their addiction. According to PsychGuides.com, if their addiction is out of control then they can take Escitalopram. Escitalopram works by restoring serotonin in the brain which can help your energy level and how you feel. A study according to Contemporary Pediatrics, showed that bupropion SR could change the craving and brain activity so they won’t feel the need to play video games. However, drugs are not the only solution for video game addiction. There is also counseling, behavior modification, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and treatment facilities. Wilderness therapy is also an option because it removes the addict from the source of the addiction. It allows the addict to be distracted by the natural environment so they they can be comfortable with their own emotions.  Many experts who have looked into this problem agree that treatments for video game addiction are the same like other addictions.

            I think the best solution would be counseling so that the child can talk about the problem and see what is best for him or her. If it’s because they are unhappy or antisocial or depressed, then it can help them if they have someone to talk to. So that they know that someone cares about them and to give them a reality check that video games are not real. If they are addicted because of a disorder and counseling doesn’t help, then they should try medication but it should be the last resort.

            South Korea has taken initiative in helping video addiction by implementing laws. They do take gaming more seriously by having tournaments air on TV and having game-friendly cafés but they are concerned that it is being taken too seriously. The Democratic Party of Korea had a debate regarding a “game addiction law that would regulate video games s addictive substances.” Aside from this debate, there is already a Shutdown Law that does not allow anyone under 16 to play video games between midnight and 6 AM. They wonder whether adding more laws would help addiction or if it would just backfire. People who like video games see gaming as art and if they make laws against it then it would attack free speech and economic growth.

            The claims I can make to address video game addiction is that it is a real addiction that should be treated like any other addiction. It may not seem as severe as a drug or alcohol addiction but it is still a bad addiction that can have bad affects on kids growing up. It can affect their health, their education, their personality, and their mentality on how they live their life. They are so consumed by video games that they stop living their life. This is why it is important for kids to play video games moderately and if they show signs of addiction then it should be treated.

            Additional sources that I plan on tracking down are personal testimonies from people who have recovered from video game addiction. It is easy to hear statistics and studies that people have done but it changes when you hear real life stories. If they hear about some kids or adults that got treated for video game addiction at a young age, then people will recognize how important it is to be careful with video games. Multi-modal aspects that I plan on including are charts showing the statistics of how video game addiction affects kids and pictures of kids before and after being addicted.

My abstract was rough at first because I did not focus on talking about the solution I had proposed for video game addiction. I had to talk to Annie several times so that I could correct it and focus more on talking about the solution in my AP. 


Many people are unaware that video game addiction is a severe addiction just like any other addiction. It is critical that people take action with this addiction because it affects kid’s personality, mental health, physical health, and education. Regardless as to why someone is addicted to video games, it is important that it gets treated before it takes over their life. Just like any other addiction, there are many treatments available to help video game addiction. Many studies have looked into the best way to treat video game addiction and all of the studies say that it is important to find the root of addiction. Most kids are addicted because they are unhappy at home, at school, or are not feeing well about something in their life. Despite all the treatment options, I think the best way to treat addiction for a child is to talk to them and figure out why they are addicted to video games. In my essay I will look at the reasons as to why therapy is the best solution to video game addiction versus the other options. To conclude, video game addiction is a serious addiction that can affect a child’s physical and mental health so the best way to treat it is talking to the child and figuring out why they are addicted.

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