Week 1 Self-Assessment

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    I begin my writing process by figuring out the topic I’m writing about and what my point-of-view is on the subject. Then I will have a clearer idea of what I’m arguing. After that, I figure out what my main points will to prove. The thesis comes next. Once I have my thesis, and main points, my outline is mostly done, save for evidence of my thoughts. Research, or in the case of fiction writing, quotes come next. Every essay is a persuasive essay. This mindset keeps me focused on convincing the reader of my thoughts. I expect that this basic process will stay the same in Writing 39C; however, I will probably end up going back and forth multiple times between research and main points in order to find multiple topics I am interested in. Keeping my options open should aid in making a decision on my final choice of topic. I’ve acquired these practices mostly throughout high school English classes.

    My experience in Writing 39B molded me into a better writer. That class taught me how to better articulate myself and take the reader step by step through my thought process. I’ve learned to be clear in concise in any sort of writing assignment for all my classes here at UCI. I thought it was really useful to know that English classes are some of the only classes in which the same thing can be called by a different names or titles such as characters. However, in technical or hard science classes, you cannot rename a protein or the name of a procedure; the same name or phrase must be repeated each time it is referred to in writing. I don’t really think other classes have influenced my writing process very much; although, in a recent Anthropology class I’ve learned that often it is recommended to give more background information when writing for that class, than a normal essay.

    Although, I’ve only taken Writing 39B at UCI, I think that class was eye opening, because there wasn’t a limit to how much I could say. My voice wasn’t limited to a context, a page limit, or prompt. I simply had to take the text and analyze it with my own lens. This class and my professor gave me the courage to speak my mind in writing. My intimidation of speaking my mind on paper or in a large group decreased significantly from the debates, presentations, and papers in Writing 39B; I’ve gained better communication skills on paper as well presentation and public speaking skills which are things that I now apply in all aspects of my life, in school and out of it.

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