What I learned

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When I was first presented with the Genre Analysis, I found it to be really daunting. Since I haven't really written anything in over a year, writing an essay seemed like a task that I was scared of. However, I knew that when going into a college-level writing course, it would be expected of me to be able to read and analyze complicated texts. This is where I started my brainstorming just by reading through as many fiary tales as I could. I would go through maria tatar's fairy tales and try to identify dark themes in the stories. Eventaully, I would fall upon Snow White by the Grimm Brothers. 

Throughout the whole writing process, I learned to be a lot slower and methodical with my writing. In the past I would just make a rough plan and execute in contrast to really planning my whole essay out. With every draft I wrote I realized I would ramble more than I would give meaningful analysis. This came out especially during the weeks of the peer review and the review done by Professor Ludisaca. That's when I really realized the shortcomings when it came to my writing and what aspects I was really struggling with. When it came to the revising process afterwords, I took the feedback and got to work with revising my essay. One of the biggest things Is struggled with was staying on topic and I realized I would rample within my writing and shift focus time to time.

Overall I would say that the GA enhanced my writing and my ability to analyze texts through different perspectives. The most important skill taht I gained as a result would be my revising skills. Making sure my points were concise and got my point across were important and through revising I was able to make sure that was done.

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