Draft #1

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What are fairy tales? We typically think of fairy tales being childish and light hearted with a feel good ending. Good and bad being clearly defined and some overall message or moral being told at the end. There’s usually a princess who needs saving from a prince and also a heavy influence of magic in these stories. Snow White by the Grimm Brothers fits this narrative, as Snow white is a princess and the evil queen as an antagonist. The Queen is obsessed with beauty and constantly relies on her magic mirror to tell her who is the prettiest in the land. However, the Grimms Brother version of the story goes much deeper and turns this “innocent’ story into a dark fairy tale. They instill elements of fear and horror through the amount of violence and vulgarness that’s in the story. This comes in the form of the antagonists and the choices they make throughout the story and the extremes they go to in trying to eliminate snow white. The magic that the queen uses can be seen in the form of curses and poison in which she uses to try and eliminate Snow White. Topics such as death get thrown into the story giving it more horror. In addition, the author makes use of symbols in the story creating a sense of fear when mentioned or used. These symbols can be seen in both the characters and the setting of the stories which can show the much darker and scarier side of the story. Through the author using these techniques in their writing it allowed for them to create a sense of fear or horror fairy tale. By examining Evil or villainous figures, symbolism and morbidness it is clear that the Grimms Brothers Snow white is part of the dark fairy tale genre..

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