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Genre Analysis Sources:


Garry, Jane, and Hasan El-Shamy. "Step Relatives" Archetypes and Motifs in Folklore and Literature: A Handbook. Sharpe, 2005.

This section helps explain common relationships between step-relatives, specifically within fairy tales. It explains the reasoning behind their actions and the historical context to them as well. It also provides supporting evidence to arguments made in the story. This source is credible because it’s a published book. It uses a handful of sources within their writing to ensure that the information being disseminated is credible and that they know all the facts. The author, Hasan El-Shamy, is also an established professor in folklore and can be seen as an expert on the topic. The source also doesn’t have any identifiable biases as it’s used to inform the reader about archetypes and motifs within stories, not to persuade the reader based on some bias. This section is relevant to my paper because it helps support my thesis. By exploring the relationship between Snow White and her mother, we see the dark elements and many gender norms.


Sandwell, Danielle. "Fairytale Adaptations: Horror and its Effect on Audience." Westminster Research, Westminster University. 2014. 

This source provides information about symbolism within fairy tales and their significance. It also talks about the history of the symbols and how they’ve been viewed. This information comes from a book and is a scholarly source. It has been peer revied as it’s a research paper done at Westminster University. This source also doesn’t have any identifiable biases as it’s mainly to inform the audience about horror within fairy tales and its effect on audiences. I will use this information to support my claims about symbols and how they reflect horror within these fairy tales.

Imitation Project Sources


Perrault, Charles. "Sleeping Beauty and the Wood." SurLaLune Fairy Tales. Web. 11 Nov 2012. <>

This source provides information about Charles Perrault’s variation on Sleeping Beauty. It also provides context to the history I would be discussing within the film review and allows me to make points regarding parallels between the film and previous texts written.


Disney; directed by Robert Stromberg; screenplay by Linda Woolverton; produced by Joe Roth; a Roth Films production. Maleficent. [Burbank, Calif.]: Disney, 2014.

I used this as the movie I would be analyzing about. This source gives me all the information I talked about regarding the movie maleficent. The source is also credible as it’s published by Disney a credible source. This is also where I got all the visuals for my essay and served to be very valuable for incorporating multimodal aspects into this essay/movie review.


Basile, Giambattista, and Christopher Stace. A Translation of Giambattista Basile's The Tale of Tales. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. 

This source also gives me background information regarding the history of the fairy tale I discuss within this paper. It allows me to make comparisons between texts and draw conclusions I make in my paper regarding Maleficent.


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Andrew Z. Ho
Mar 17, 2022 at 4:18pm

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