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This canvas post asked us to discuss some of the takeaways form a section in Tatar's The Classic Fairytales called  “From Sex & Violence: The Hard Core of Fairytales." This is when I would started to dive deeper into the meanings of what it meant to be a dark fairytale and what these conventions mean. At first I struggled with understanding the dark fairytale genre and what made it so different from regular fairy tales. It also gave me a better understanding of what I would be writing about for the GA. Initially the essay seemed like a lot and wasn't really sure how to to approach my argument or essay and essays moving forward.

Canvas Post:

  • The main and most obvious take away from this week's reading was just how vulgar and violent these fairy tales were. Despite the modern interpretation of fairy tales with their innocence and overall happy reputation, they have a much darker history when you take a closer look. Many of these have disturbing events and actions such as the violence that gets protrayed in many of these stories as well as sexual activies such as incest and pregnancy. As to how this affects me and what I wrote in my GA introduction, I feel like it supports my arguments but also now has me trying to see things from a different perspective. The story that I chose to write about was Snow white by the Grimm brothers. In this reading from Maria Tatar, sshe spends a good amount of time on how the Grimm brothers incorporate both sex asnd violence into their stories. While I definitely saw violence in the form of the evil step mother ordering her daughter to being murdered, I didn’t really see the more sexual side of the story. This leads me to question if I missed anything when i was reading through the story and if there any underlying themes of this I didn’t notice after my first initial reading. Overall this week's reading really let me see just how dark these stories can get and the topics they can cover. Dark fairy tales don’t just mean that the stories themselves are scary but in a  way unsettling and in a way can make the reader feel icky or uncomfortable. They cover many of the unspoken and evil thoughts people can have that aren’t really talked about. Moving forward, I think this week's reading really helped me understand a lot more about dark fairy tales and that as I continue with my GA I’ll look deeper into not only the story and others and see what information I can find to add into my essay.

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