Week 2

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The story "The Grandchild Paradox" address the problems of climate change my showing the issue of the previous generations having a complete disregard for the generations that follow. The author decides to take on a first-person perspective in his story when speaking from the perspective of the protagonist. He uses this to show the protagonists dissatisfaction and anger towards the generations prior, and how they just left his generations and the ones to come out to dry. The author does this to warn people of the current generation to make a change. If we keep down the current path we are going, we are only hurting the future generations, our children, their children, and then their children. It's a constant cycle where the environment is getting worse with every generation because we aren't feeling the urge to do something because our generation isn't the one that will be affected. The author tried to get us to sympathize with these made up characters who were given a much worse environment than we were fortunate enough to receive. His hope is that our generation changes so our future generations don't end up like the protagonist's.

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