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Going back and reading my self-assessment, I felt like I was too cocky when it came to writing. I wasn't much of an organizer and that ultimately held me back as I began writing. I didn't put anything about being a good researcher, and as of now, I feel like being a good researcher incorporates into being a good writer, and I was lacking in the research area before starting this class.


Brenda Ramos



My writing process begins with me thinking about the prompt for a day or two in my mind. I don’t write down anything. I just have it in my mind and try to brainstorm. As I’m about to write on a word document, I’ll remember the ideas that I had and let my fingers do the work. What I do first when I write is just write. I don’t have anything holding me back and if I do, I’ll highlight or italicize a sentence so I can come back to it. I’ll repeat a sentence. Sometimes I won’t finish a sentence. I just put the thoughts that I had in my mind onto the document and then revise it. This has helped me alot because it starts my paper and I hate seeing an empty paper in front of me. I plan on using the same technique for WR39C because I think it’s a great way to start. We have to do argumentative research papers, so I’ll first think of my subject in my head and once I see a blank paper, I’ll do my best to fill it up, spilling my research or ideas onto the page. I usually add hyperlinks to research articles and rewrite important quotes. I don’t have a big problem when it comes to doing research papers because I basically try to argue my thesis and use research to back it up. Research papers have a system that is different from free write or story telling. I view research papers as having a thesis, giving three examples of why you’re right, include a counterexample for each idea, and connecting your thesis to the research you found. This technique is how I usually write argumentative research papers.

I’m not sure if the WR39 series has challenged me as a writer because I was one of the stronger writers in my class and the professor would spend time with the other students. I would receive good feedback from peers and the professor so I stuck to what I was doing because it seemed to get me a good grade.  What I hope to get out of this class would be to improve my voice and better my technique.

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