AP 1st Draft

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This is my first AP rough draft. I didn't write a lot and only had my intro paragraph going for me. I had an idea of how I was going to break up my topics and what I was going to put in each section. Although I had my ideas, I still was having a difficult time writing my paper.

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Brenda Ramos

Writing 39 C


Christopher Varela

AP Rough Draft

            Research has shown that a majority of people who have a college education tend to earn more than those who only have a high school diploma, and those who hold a high school diploma earn more than high school dropouts. There are multiple reasons why students dropout of college, but Latinos are titled with the highest dropout rate. Excelling in education is different for all students, but those who come from low socioeconomic status, have no documentation, and who do not receive the same support compared to their peers tend to do worse compared to those who have the resources and the support to go to college. For undocumented students, the pathway of going to college wasn’t easy and perhaps not a plausible action, until the Obama Administration implemented the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. With this program, undocumented students could hold more benefits such as obtaining a worker’s permit, a social security number, and are under temporary protection from deportation as they live in the United States. The United States is progressing into an educational system where an emphasis on a college education is essential, yet the 2016 presidential election has shown that fear has overwhelmed undocumented students from pursuing a college degree as they await their fate over their legal status. A need of action to protect DACA students is essential in order to provide undocumented students who want an education to pursue college and to fight those who want to take their opportunity away from them. This can be achieved by providing DACA students with a safe space, fighting back the Trump administration, and changing the stigma within ourselves and our society.


The Barriers We Put Up

            (Talk about how we view undocumented students. Why we view them this way. The unfair social injustice we do.  Cultural deficiency. How schools reflect our society)


The Barriers We Must Break Down

            (Changing how we view undocumented students. Give examples of those who broke the stigma like the two valedictorians who are undocumented and going to universities.)


How To Build Bridges

            (Making undocumented students feel safe when they feel scared. A need or support, emotional and organizational such as schools. Creating a club, a place where they can meet others who are allies.

            Community Based Organizations (Cross Cultural Center at UCI)

            Institutional Agents

                        A need for student teacher relationships. A mentorship program. Knowing that there is someone out there rooting for you. Motivation to go to college. Reminding them that their financial aid forms are confidential.





Gordon, Larry. "Deportation fears depress California Dream Act college aid applications." EdSource. N.p., 14 Feb. 2017. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.


Leon, Joshua K. "Sanctuary Cities in an Age of Resistance." Progressive, Inc. The Progressive, Mar. 2017. Web. 26 Feb. 2017. (Academic Search)


Mehlman, Ira. "Jerry Brown Braces California for a $1.6 Billion Deficit as the State Considers Legal Defense Fund for Illegal Aliens." Immigration Reform Blog. N.p., 11 Jan. 2017. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.


Ngai, Mae. "A Call for Sanctuary ." Dissent. University of Pennsylvania Press , 1 Jan. 2017. Web. 26 Feb. 2017. <https://vpn.nacs.uci.edu/ CSCO 1h756767633A2F2F6A726F2E6F2E726F667062756266672E70627A /ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=606aed2c-e5ef-401c-9876-b133a2ec0096%40sessionmgr120&vid=0&hid=123>.


Stebleton, Michael J., and Marina B. Aleixo. "Examining Undocumented Latino/a Student Interactions With Faculty and Institutional Agents." Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 14.3 (2015): 256-73. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.

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