Classmates' Feedback On Oral Presentation

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The following are screenshots of questions and notes from my classmates that helped m in the process of revising my adovocacy draft.

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COMMENT: The screenshot above is one of the questions that I received from my classmates which made a difference in my final Advocacy paper. Also, it asked a very similar question to another question that I received from another classmate (screenshot below) that made me become aware of what I needed to clearly included in my final advocacy paper which was a psychological solution for my topic. When I read the question "How to fix the damage in their psychological well-being" I also thought of the previous comments that I had received from Professor Berghof which also said that I needed to propose a psychological solution. As a result, of the feedback I received I was able to state it in my final draft. The question that I got from Yiwen really got me thinking of what psychological solution I could advocate. I knew that I wanted to focus on better jobs as part of the solution but after writing my 3rd draft for my advocacy I still did not explicitly say how their psychological well being was going to/ can be solved. Therefore, along with Professor Berghof comments I was able to think of how the solutions that I wanted to advocate was going to include a mixture of a legal solution and a psychological solution. Which was to create a new law that focused on preparing welfare mothers for professional jobs instead of vocational ones by encouraging education which will lead mothers to regain their self-esteems. So,making women obtain high motivated self esteem jobs were part of the psychological solution.  


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COMMENT: Navaneeth's questions also redirected my advocacy to become more precise on certain terms that I was using and also helped me include an actual psychological solution towards the problem that I did not state in my presentation nor in my advocacy paper. When I read the questions, the question that really got my attention was the first one because I thought that I explained I meant by social capital clearly in my presentation. Yet, with this question I felt that I had to be more precise and direct to what I was talking about when I would mention social capital. In addition, for my 3rd draft of my advocacy I got a similar comment from Professor Berghof about social capital and what I meant by that. As a result, for my final draft I made sure that the part that I mentioned social capital had a more detailed explaination. For example, now for my final draft I was able to explain what types of social capital I was focusing since there is social support and social leverage.

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