Stress,Thoughts and Struggles!

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Before coming into Writing 39C I head multiple times from other friends and peers that this class was going to be very time consuming. I remember getting nervous before I even started but I felt that I was read to take this challenge. However, throughout the quarter I felt that wasn't as ready as I thought to be. From my past experiences in writing 39A and B I knew that this class was going to be difficult at the beginning like the others were but not as much as how I experienced it to be. Personally, overall this class was very stressful! Even the first couple weeks I remember being very stressed. I recall going to my first office hours with Professor Berghof and I asked her, "What will happen if I can't turn in all the small assignments we were required to do?" In the first couple weeks of this quarter I honestly felt that there was going to be a time where I was not going to be able to finish them. Yet, Professor's Berghof response was true even though at that time I didn't believe it was going to be possible. She said that I was going to be able to do it. I was going to be able to turn in all the small assignments and in fact I have done so. Throughout the quarter I was able to turn in all small assignments that were required on time, something that might be a very small accomplishment but to me it makes me really proud because it shows my persistence. I was able to keep pushing even though there was certain times where I felt that I wasn't going to be able to do it, or times where I doubt myself and my writing. However, being able to submit my eportfolio and it being a reflection of my hard work really makes me feel relief, happy and proud to see how far I have come this quarter; something that seemed very impossible at the beginning of the quarter to imagine.


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Comment 1: The screenshot above, is a picture of my house. Throughout this quarter my house has been a major part of me being able to complete all of the assignments of this class including my essays. My house was were I was able to distress on certain weekends when I would go back by helping me clear my mind and regaining energy and motivation. During the times that I started to doubt myself and I started to feel like I was not going to be able to finish all the assignments I would go home where my family would talk to me and give me words of encouragement. For example, when I was stressing out trying to write my final HCP I went home and told my mom that I couldn't do it. I felt that I wasn't going to be able to finish my paper because I had writer's block due to all the stress and nervousness that I had since I just kept thinking that this assignment was going to be graded and I didn't want to get a bad grade. Speaking to my mom was able to calm down and think about this assignment more positively rather than negatively. After all, going back home did really helped me because after I spoke to my mom I was able to regain confidence and tried my best in writing my final draft which I got an A-.


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One of the many struggles that I had throughout this quarter was research because of the initial search terms that used and which made it difficult to come across good/hepful scholarly sources.


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Comment 2: The screenshot above shows one of the moments when I was researching scholarly sources for my topic but failed to find any due to my search terms. I remember for this particular moment that I was becoming very frustrated because 1 "no results were founded" kept appearing and 2 because if results would appear it would only be about 2. That is why my search terms were the main reason why I struggled through my research especially since at the beginning I did not know that by just looking at the footnotes I was able to find additional search terms as well.




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COMMENT 3:  The screenshot above shows the email that Professor Berghof emailed me with search terms. This email was very helpful for me as it got me thinking of other possible search terms that I would use in order to get more scholarly sources. When I used these search terms I was able to get more results than with my previous search terms and also by this time she had already told the class to look at the footnotes in order to get more search terms. So when I was going through the articles that I found I kept that in mind and I also kept these search terms in mind in order to spot other similar terms that might of been useful for my research. Aside from this email helping overcome one of my initial struggles it also reaffirmed me that if I my professor was there if I needed help which helped me feel a bit better.

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