Why Not Include them All? Reasons Behind It . . .

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COMMENT: There are some additional multi-modals that I did not include in my projects for Writing 39C for certain reasons. However, even though I did not include them they still helped me in the process of writing my papers because they did affect my thoughts when trying to write them. For example, the screenshot above is a multi-modal that I did include in my first and second draft of my HCP but at the end for my final draft of my HCP I removed it because I decided to add other multi-modal sources that would serve as better evidence as support of my claims. However, when I encountered this picture on academic search complete I thought that using this picture was going to help me describe the term welfare queen in my HCP. So when I was writing my first and second draft of my HCP I used it to describe what most people thought/think of a welfare queen. However, when I received my feedback for my second draft Professor Berghof stated that "THE PICTURE, IN ITSELF, DOES NOT MAKE AN ARGUMENT ABOUT A WELFARE QUEEN, BUT THE CONTEXT OF ITS PRESENTATION MAY." When I read this comment I realized that finding other multi-modals that showed effects of the stereotypes were going to serve as better multi-modals. So as a result, I started researching video clips, such as the Bill O' Reilly video that I used to show how the stereotype has caused negative perceptions in people of African American women on welfare.



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COMMENT: Unlike the firsts image, the video above was a video that I wanted to include in my HCP but was not able to include it because I already had a video of Ronald Regan's speech which it showed that he was opposed welfare because he believed that welfare was not the answer since he believed that most people on welfare were abusing it. So including this one was going to be repetitive. However, the difference between this video and the video that I did include of President Reagan was that this video is a mash up of other recent videos. The video does a good job in including present videos of Obama and past video of Reagan and showing how the welfare system differs from the past to the present. Also it shows how welfare and the welfare queen stereotype continues to be an issue today. This video could have served as a good multi-modal in my essay depicting the past and the present because it really shows the issue of the reinforcement of the welfare queen stereotype in political speeches from Reagan's time to Obama's time; however, another reason that I decided not to include it was because I thought adding the political commercial of Mitt Romney as part of the present multi-modal and the individual video of Reagan's speech as the multi-modal of the past made a stronger argument because both videos indicated that both political figures have been similarly affected by the stereotype and have continued to reinforce it by talking about it in speeches, Reagan, or by trying to incorporate the stereotype indirectly in a presidential commercial, Romney. 



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COMMENT: The video above is the video I chose when we were assigned to choose a video dealing with a solution to our own topic or another's person's topic for class. I really liked this video because it addressed the issue of the topic that I was focusing on throughout this quarter which was the negative stereotype of welfare queens reinforced through media but the media the video focused on and proposed a potential solution for was for television shows. The proposed solution in this video was that media should show more diversity of roles regarding African American women instead of only portraying them as baby mommas, gold diggers and welfare queens. Also, the media should be shifted to developing reality shows that exposes “real” life experiences of African American women. Even though I really liked this multi-modal source I was not able to include it in my Advocacy because it did not directly focused on the specific media I was addressing. However, I thought that maybe if I was going to include it, it could have actually served as an additional solution to decrease the welfare queen stereotype in society overall, which can also help African American women combat their self esteem problem because the less they are exposed to the stereotype the less they themselves would be stereotyped and the less stereotype threat they will be exposed to. However, I discarded this video at the end because I wanted to focus on finding multi-modals that would actually relate to the solution of leading African American women towards education so they could be exposed to better job opportunities that would help them raise their self esteem issue. So focusing on helping African American women disconfirm the stereotype was more of what my solutions were aiming to do instead of trying to solve the stereotype problem in the media.



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