What I learned

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The Imitation Project (IP) was the harder of the 2 projects for me. While it did give me a more creative room with my writing and the way I wanted to take things, I didn't know where to start as a result. Unlike the GA we weren't given a selection of movies to chose from but instead so I found choosing a movie to be quite difficult.

This is where I went back to brainstorming and looking across the internet to find a movie I would analyze for this project. I would look at different Disney movies and see if there were any connections between them and the more dark variations I learned about from the GA. After some time I would choose Maleficent which is based on the tale Sleeping Beauty.

When it came to the actual writing process, it took me a while to switch the way I was writing to one that was more informal. I thought the transition would've been easy, but I was so used to writing papers like the GA that when it came to more creative and less formal writing pieces, it was a challenge. However, I would manage to get over this hump by reading other movie reviews and trying out styles and techniques they used within their writing. 

Overall, I have to say that I really grew when it came to my writing process and the way that I write. From the GA I strengthened and refined skills when it came to writing and analysis. In the IP I was able to strengthen them even further as well as develop skills when it came to tone and being able to replicate the style of writing I was trying to achieve. I also strengthened skills when it came to how I structured my paper and made sure that my writing was fluid.

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