IP Proposal

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Andrew Ho

IP Proposal

Selected genre model: The model that I selected for my IP is going to be the film review.

The main premise of argument: The main premise of my argument will be comparing the film to a text and arguing how the text influenced the film despite it not being called/named the same thing as the film.

Text: The text/texts I will be talking about is Maleficent the film done in 2014 by Robert Stormberg. It is a dark fantasy film talking about a story from the antagonist's perspective. The other text that I will be comparing it to will be Sleeping Beauty by Hans Anderson. This is one of the more traditional classic fairy tales that many know of.

What will I say about it: I will be talking about how the film Maleficent was influenced by the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. I will be diving into the similarities between the plot and characters and how these similarities are no coincidence and that the movie instead drew inspiration from the text.

Intended message: The message I want to convey is to prove that these stories are similar and that Maleficent drew influence from this short story. I will also be diving into the dark elements within each story and how the dark nature of Maleficent was inspired by the dark nature of Sleeping Beauty of the story. I will take a look into these elements and how the dark elements within Maleficent were taken from the classic fairy tale of Sleeping beauty and how they were instilled within the story of Maleficent.

Title, description: I will be titling this as “the true dark nature of the film maleficent”, and the description of what I’ll be talking about will be slowly transitioning from the beginning of the film to the end of the film. Going through summaries of both stories before diving into the similarities between booth in chronological order as they happen in the story.  First going through the plot points before diving into the characters and before concluding that the stories are very similar and are based on each other.

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