Proposal + Climate Story

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The person I would like to interview is Sara Bowers, She is 97 years old and lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She has lived there for the majority of her life and has lived in the same house the entire time. The houses in the neighborhood she lives in are about 100 yards apart. She happens to have a big garden where she harvest vegetables including cucumbers that she has actually showed me how to pickle before (though I was young and have forgotten now). Sara is my great grandmother on my mom's side.


Add a Get to Know You Question: Tell me about yourself, where you grew up. What did your natural environment look like when you were younger? 


1. How has climate change affected the people in your area? ​environmental change, not climate change 

2. What things are different about your life than they used to be due to climate change? ​environmental change, not climate change 

3. Has climate change affected how you Garden? Has it affected harvest periods or anything of the sort?​ environmental change, not climate change 

Source1: (Links to an external site.)

Source2: (Links to an external site.)


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