HCP Final Draft Reflection

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1. I think the best part about my HCP is my supporting evidence. I did a lot of research as I drafted my paper and feel like my evidence does a good job at supporting the claims that I make. I also think I worked the hardest on finding evidence and making sure that it supplemented my argument by explaining the significance of it. The clearest part of my paper is my main arguments section. I think I presented both sides to the issue well and used credible sources without taking a side on the issue.

2. I think my paper could do a better job at explaining the history behind the problem and why it is still an issue today. I touched on its relevance, but I feel that I could still go into more detail. The history section isn't as strong as my other sections and I would have done more research for that section if I had more time to work on it.

3. I think my best, most credible source was that one that came from UC Berkley professor Lisa Garcia Bedolla. This source was credible because Bedolla has great credentials since she is a professor in education and political science which both have to do with my topic. She is also published in journals and has a couple of her own books dealing with education. I first found out about Bedolla in a newspaper article I was thinking about using and I then did more research on her and found one of her journal articles through Google Scholar.

4. My weakest source was the quote I used from San Jose's Mercury News. I think this was my weakest because I used the source to quote someone and couldn't find an actual source on the person I was quoting. I would have rather found a source where the person was directly speaking about the issue rather than quote them from a newspaper.

5. I think a possible solution to immigrant children's education is to allow these children to pursue an education in the U.S. If the kids are going to live in the U.S., then they should be allowed an education and aided in pursuing higher education as well. Eventually, after going through school, these kids will be able to contribute back into society and become tax payers.

6. A possible counter to this solution is that there are not enough resources to fund the types of programs necessary to help educate these children and that these programs would then take away funds from born citizens. Many politicians and other reformers who feel strongly about the issue are standing in the way of this solution being enacted. There is still a lot of debate over whether immigrants in general should be given the same benefits as those who are citizens of the country.

7. To advocate/understand this problem better, I think I need to better understand the policy surrounding the issue. I need to do some more research to understand the laws that have been passed and the current legislation that involves immigrant children and their education.

8. I think that I understand researching and how to find sources and information. One thing I need to work on is paying closer attention to the credentials of the sources and where the information is coming from, especially of it is a think tank.

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