Welfare Queen Stereotype PowerPoint

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The oral presentation that was part of the Advocacy Project really helped me continue to understand my topic. I had to identity the problem and the solutions that I have been part of my HCP and Advocacy Project and by just presenting it and explaining to my classmates I felt that I was learning and uncovering something new. The questions and discussion with my classmates helped me as well because it got me thinking about certain things that I did not even think about prior to their questions.

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COMMENT: I decided not to include a lot of text in my PowerPoint because I wanted to instead include more multimodal. I preferred to speak more of the information so it can help me continue to expand my understanding of my own topic and solutions. I believe that the more I talk about it, the more I am able understand and learn. I underlined key words as a cue to remember during my presentation that I needed to expand on that term and explain what I meant by adding it to my PowerPoint or want my audience to understand a bit more.  

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COMMENT: During my presentation I was very nervous. I have always had a hard time speaking in front of people and presenting. It was a different experience from my other writing classes especially receiving a grade for it. I believe that I could have done better in articulating what I wanted to say. Also, I felt that I had more to say but did not have enough time. That is why I decided to cut a couple of things that I wanted to include in my presentation such as more facts/data, percentages, more in depth explanation, etc. For my presentation I decided to make flashcards that would helped me remember main points of my PowerPoint. That's is why I decided not to include a lot information in my PowerPoint and instead speak about it and explain it. I also did that so I can include more multi-modals. Yet I feel that if I could have been more clearer in my explanation and if I would have included more data I would have done a bit better.

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