Advocacy Multi-Modal

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COMMENT 1: When I encountered this video I was very undeceive in whether or not to include it in my two last drafts because it primly focused on restating the problem in my paper. I felt that by adding it I was just going to make my paper focus a bit to much on restating the problem than it had to be. However, at the end I did include it in my final draft because I felt that the video did a good job in depicting how media continues to perpetuate the welfare queen stereotype by including certain cases regarding African American women who "abuse" welfare. I feel that by adding the video I was able to show an example of how the stereotype is reinforced in society today.


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COMMENT 2: This multi-modal was one of the first ones that I found for my advocacy project. I remember that when I first was watching it I knew that it was going to be an important piece to my paper because it focused on the act that I was going to present as the law which attempted to solve the problem of the welfare queen stereotype. Just like I was going to criticize the act in my essay,  Rep. Gwen did the same by stating that the act is just perpetuating the stereotype by prohibiting welfare recipients to use their money in these certain place. Also I was able to use this video to support my own criticism and it helped me analyze why the act was not beneficial. One of the most important way that the video helped me in was thinking of a propose solution which rep Gwen does towards the end of the video. Her proposed solution focused on creating more and better jobs. Similarly, for my advocacy paper I focused on the job aspect as well but decided to take a different approach. Since when I was conducting research on creating more jobs I found that leading and encouraging welfare mothers to continue their education in order for them to obtain higher paying jobs has a more positive longer lasting psychological effect.

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COMMENT 3: This multi-modal displays the result of a study where women that were on welfare described how they felt about the low wage jobs that they were exposed to. Even though, I did include this multi-modal in my final draft I felt that this one was the weakest multi-modal that supported my claim in the paragraph where I wrote about the frustration that the mothers' felt. Now that i look back at this multi-modal I feel that adding a video clip of how mothers express themselves about the low paying jobs they had to made them feel or adding a chart/ graph that indicated the amount of frustration women reported feeling because of the type of job they had was going to add more support and credibility to my claim instead of adding this chart which contained the information of the participate.

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COMMENT 4: The part of this video that I used in my essay helped me in the processe of trying to develop a solution for the psychological damages of the welfare queen stereotype and trying to move welfare mothers out of welfare and towards independency. When I was revising my third draft of my advocacy paper I started to conduct more multi-modal research and encountered this one. The part that made me want to include it into my advocacy final draft was the part where Rebecca Vallas mentions how an approach to trying to solve the effect of the welfare queen stereotype should be to find "ways to boost family economy security not weaken it” by making high quality jobs that pay a living wage available to welfare mothers in order to help them regain self esteem. The solution that Rebecca proposed was similar to Rep. Gwen's but the difference was that Rebecca's solution was a bit more specific on what types of jobs needed to be provided in order to help African American boost their self-esteem. When I watched this video i decided to refine my propose solution by being more specific on what type of high paying jobs. Which I later decided to advocate that welfare recipients should obtain professional jobs instead of vocational jobs to help them combat their self-esteem issue.

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COMMENT 5: The chart above was the result of a study that I included in my advocacy dealing with social capital solution. By adding this chart it made it easier for me to explain how even though social capital did help certain mothers obtain stable employment towards the end of the study (year 3) it did not show much of a difference between women that did not have a stable jobs in the same year (3). As a result, readers can see that the social capital solution does not provide a positive promising solutions as how education does. Overall, this multi-modal helped my paper show longevity research and whether or not the solution (social capital) being studied is actually beneficial. Adding this multi-modal helped me transition to the next body paragraph that focused on the solution of leading and motivating mothers to continue their education since it can have a beneficial and longer lasting result than focusing on social capital.

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COMMENT 6: This chart in particular showed the result of a program which helped welfare mothers continue their education. I used this chart in order to support my proposed solution that there should be a new program similar to this one to help and encourage welfare mothers to continue their education and to obtain their high school diploma or GED. Even though there was not an extreme difference between women that were under the program and women that were in the control group it still shows how there was a noticeable difference between the women that did continue their education. Therefore,I decided to include the result of this study to support how programs that focus on helping women continue their education is a stepping stone in leading them to continue higher education and eventually obtaining a high paying job.

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