HCP Multi-Modal

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I used multi-modals in my HCP as a source of support to the claims that I made throughout my essay. I believe that overall multi-modals helped me explain why the issue regarding the Welfare Queen stereotype is important and should be discussed since it is a problem that has existed in the past and continues to exists today.

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COMMENT 1: The graph presented above helped me support the claim that in the past there was an increase in African American families depending on welfare which helped me introduced certain aspects of the problem. For example, this chart shows the years in which the welfare queen stereotype became more known, during the 60s and 70s when Regan was speaking about the welfare queen. The chart along with a brief history of why African American families were becoming more dependent on welfare in one of my body paragraphs of my HCP did help the flow of essay. Since I was able to explain the history behind how the problem came to be and when it was beginning to grow.



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COMMENT 2: The commercial that Mitt Romney used for his presidential campaign was a important multimodal source that I used in my essay since it did a good job in depicting the effect of welfare queen stereotype in more present day. I decided to use this multimodal in my essay because it shows how Mitt Romney takes into consideration the welfare queen stereotype when creating his commercial because it stated how he was against Obama's legislations on welfare and accuse him of being lenient on it. Also, when viewing the video audience can tell in what way the welfare queen stereotype has affected him. Since he seems to be against receiving welfare without any cost. Therefore, when I was viewing this video my self I became aware of how his videos are similar to President Reagan's of welfare because both are against welfare due to people abusing it. As a result, I decided to use this video in my HCP because I thought it did a good job in depicting the issue of the welfare queen stereotype and how it is still relevant today. 

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COMMENT 3: Following Mitt Romney's video in my essay, I used a video from President Ronald Reagan to indicate that the issue of welfare was definitely seen in the past. This video added support to my claim that the stereotype of welfare queen has been reinforced in political media. When I started researching multi-modals that I was going to use in my HCP I focused on finding good presidential speeches that Reagan gave because I knew he was going to be a main political figure that I wanted to include in my HCP since he was one that spoke about the welfare queen stereotype the most. Also, when I viewed the video I saw how the stereotype played an important part in shaping his perception of welfare. Including it in my HCP I knew that it was going add to my evidence in how the welfare queen stereotype has affected people's perception just like it has affect President Reagan's perception in thinking that welfare is not the answer because people are on are just welfare queens just like he has said it in his anecdotes of welfare queens.



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COMMENT 4: When I was writing the counterargument for my HCP I decided to add this multimodal to show how the stereotype has affected people's perception on welfare spending. Since there are many people that think that African American mothers are actually welfare queens and that there is a large sum amount of money being given to welfare programs but have not been very beneficial in moving people out of it. I think by adding this multi-modal my paper was able to initiate a scholarly conversation with the next scholarly that I added who focused on how in reality the money being given for welfare recipient isn't really enough.



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COMMENT 5:This multi-modal was my favorite to include in my essay because it shows a real life effect of the welfare queen stereotype. The part of the video that I focused on was the interview at the beginning. When I was watching the video, the interview part between John Stossel and the welfare worker caught my attention because I became aware of her personal opinion regarding people on welfare. Since it was an interview and the questions were very direct; therefore, the way she said that people on welfare don't even try to look for a job even though they should and that to stop people from abusing welfare they should take the money away shows that even though directly she doesn't state that she believes the welfare queen stereotype it still shows by the way she is talking about the people on welfare that she agrees with the stereotype. Also, since it was video, the place it was filmed (outside of a welfare office) also reflects what seems to be stereotypical factor of welfare. Which is that most recipients are African American. So I believed that using this video in my essay was actually going to serve as evidence to how till today there are news coverages that still try to perpetuate the stereotype.


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COMMENT 6: The multi-modal of the chart above that displays the amount of money TANF has been reduced was very useful in the part of my essay in which in reality the welfare queen stereotype has affected actually caused reduction in the funds. When I encountered this chart I was thinking that it could rebuttal the multi-modal of my counterargument because the chart shows how in reality there has been a decrease in welfare money and it shows by how much. This chart provided a lot data which supported my claim. It also created a scholarly conversation with the previous scholar that thought that the stereotype of welfare queens has actually damaged the economy by increasing the funds in the program.



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