6 W: 200-word Pleasure Pitch

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Peer Feedback

After reading your peers' pitches, respond (verbally or in writing) in 2-4 sentences by both:

- criticizing their simple pleasure. Tell them why you don't do it, or why other people wouldn't want to do it.

- asking questions about their simple pleasure: what do you want explained more clearly? what do you want to know more about?

Assignment--200-word Pleasure Pitch

In a paragraph of about 200 words, pitch (i.e. make a brief case for) the "simple pleasure" you want to write about for Major Assignment 2.

Your primary audience is your peers, and your secondary audience is Dr. Lance. In class on Thursday, they will listen to your idea and tell you why they would or wouldn't want to indulge in your pleasure for themselves. So be sure you've described the pleasure enough so that people understand what it is. And then explain why it needs defending, and then go ahead and defend it. In other words, explain why it's not as popular as it should be, and why you believe it is worth doing.

If you're not sure which pleasure you will pick for Major Assignment 2, then write 200 words about that problem. Which pleasures are you considering using for Major Assignment 2, and why do they appeal to you? Or why are you having trouble picking a pleasure to defend?


Bonus: Somewhere in your Pleasure Pitch, to pique your reader's passion, write a phrase or sentence that includes one or more of the following sound repetition techniques


1.Alliteration – repeat consonant sounds at beginning of words in a sequence

“Dogs” – Spot is a pearl beyond price. A poultice over the wounds of the day.


2.Assonance – repeat vowel sounds in the middle of words in a sequence

“Dogs” – We may be miserly, spiteful, flatulent, balding, and fat, with disgusting table manners and a snore that rattles the bed, but our dog doesn’t merely overlook these traits, she considers them evidence of Godhead.


3.Consonance – repeat consonant sounds at the ends of words in a sequence

“Cats” – For fur on the hoof, you can’t beat a cat. It’s exactly the right size to have around the house, it’s naturally clean in its habits, and if it likes you it sometimes gives off a nice humming sound.

4. Rhyme

Easy peasy

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